
Sunday, September 23, 2012


Its been a VERY long while since I have last blogged. I cant even remember what the last blog was about. All I know is, things have changed alot. Kids are bigger and doing big things and hubby and I are, well, we are just hubby and I and in love more than ever :) LOL

Most recently Anisa has started soccer for AYSO Nipomo and she has also started Pre-School with CAC Guadalupe. She is so active, so vocal and such a mommy AKA a mini me :)
Noah wants to go to schools and wants to play soccer too, but he is still too small. I need to find something ASAP to put him in so he doesnt feel so left out. He has also gotten a hair cut since my last blogged. We managed to wait 2 years and 2 months for his first haircut. Definitely looks older (and wiser) and no longer looking like my baby. Curls are all gone :( Booooooo. But we feel he feels so much better and not as sweaty and hot.
Javi has started middle school (6th grade) and even though I was terrified for him, I feel so much better now that I have been to the school and seen his peers. He is in a predominately asian school in the avenues of San Francisco. He is happy because he says that they give you lunch in little "to-go" chinese boxes and have amazing fried rice everyday. Hahaha...he would say that. He loves food about as much as I do, except he has such a high metabolism, that he stays as skinny as a pole. I still can not believe that in less than a month, my first born baby boy will be 11 years little. Where has all this time gone?!
Isabel is now in 4th grade. Still at Fairmount Elementary in San Francisco. She is enjoying being one of the big kids. Still talks about how much she can not wait to be in 5th grade and graduate elementary school so she can go to middle school. Can't they just stop growing for a minute?! These years are just flashing before my eyes.
In the last few months, I have decided to take on a new endevour. I have began baking and cooking for extra cash and in the hopes of working towards opeing up my own restaurant someday. My facebook page is Tasty Creations by elisa. Its more of a baking site that cooking, but I can definitely do it all! Food has always been my passion. I LOVE EATING and I LOVE COOKING. It really is where I find my peace. If I'm stressed, upset, happy, anxious;  I just go into my kitchen and "whip" something up...(maybe that's why I have gained so much weight too :( Although everything I know is self taught, I'd love to go to "chef school" someday. We'll see.....



These are just a few of my creations....:) stay tuned for more!!!!
and Stay tuned for more Go-Sa adventures and daily living!!!!
OHHHHH I almost forgot...This year, I was also reunited with my Brother Andy and my sisters Christina and Chavela in wasnt the greatest circumstances to be reunited, but Im so happy to have them in my life. (I began to write the story of  us, but then realized, that wouldbe a whole new blog, so for now, I'll just end this with a pic of us and blog about the details later:)
Me and Andy
Me and Christina
Me and Chavela

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Lazy day includes a trip to SLO Farmer's Market & NEW SLO Target!

Anisa is such a great BIG sister, especially in the mornings when I want to stay asleep! This morning Noah almost climbed out of his crib and she tried to help him but I caught him and took him out, then went back to sleep. She fed him a granola bar until I finally got up to feed them breakfast. By then Anisa had changed herself and served her own bowl of cereal and poured some dry cereal on Noah's high chair! :) Days like this she makes me smile......
....UNTIL I smelled polish remover from the restroom to the living room and found her changing her clothes again because she spilled the bottled on herself while painting her nails blue. She is a a girl and Noah is her side kick. And sometime between that moment and the time Armando came home, he drew all over my wall :( Im have terrible marker/crayon issues :( I no longer want any in my house...Noah finds them all, no matter how good I think I hide them....I could not wait for Armando to get home.

We planned to go to the new Target tonight and Farmer's Market to walk around and have dinner. As soon as Armando got home, we left. Then a few minutes before we got there Anisa fell asleep until the last 10 minutes of us being there. We had dinner on the side of a curb when we first got there then walked up and down a few times looking for a specific 'something fruity and fresh to drink. Noah didn't want to sit the whole time in the stroller, so he walked, then got held then he wanted to wander off solo and that was too much. As we were walking back to the truck, we stopped to see this juggling act. He was a little too dangerous for me, especially being in close range of small children with juggling machetes and fire wands, but he was still cool. Anisa woke up in time for that and thought it was neat. She didn't want to leave after that. I had to tell her we were going to the new Target and I was going to look for some candy's. She was all for it!

There was nothing super special about the new Target except I had coupons so I ended up walking out paying less that $35 out of pocket with over $95 of merchandise and MANY free items!

When we got home, Anisa helped me organize the items for a photo and it was time for a bed time story! Bear's Day Out was tonight top pick!

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Chupon Hoarder

I have been trying to get rid of Noah's chupones since he turned 1 at the end of April. I have been very unsuccessful because it is Armando's cheat saver. Grrrrrr I wish I can throw them all away. And just when I think they are gone and no where to be found, Noah pulls them out of I have no idea where. I really do think he has a special stash that only he knows about. He finds chupones that I haven't seen in months....ahhhhh "someday little curly haired boy, someday....they will all disappear and you will have to soothe yourself"

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Quick road trip with the little people

Today was the day Javi and Isa had to go back :( I offered to drive them back so I can spend more time with them and it worked. The original plan was to leave in the early afternoon, but I had overlooked traffic time in the bay is awful, so I rearranged my plan and ended up leaving a few hours earlier.

Kids woke up, had breakfast and loaded up the car. We opted to take Armando's car for 2 reasons, A) gas saver and B) the engine needed to run nonstop for smog purposes...we were squished but still fit. I hate driving his teeny car sometime cause it make me feel like im living in the flinstone age and pedaling with my feet. Haha...

On our way, kids wanted to stop and Wendy's and get their free frosty. We found one in Salinas and stopped. They had a huge fish tank in the middle of the restaurant (which I find to be odd in a fast food chain, but hey, kids enjoyed it, so kudos!)

Noah and Anisa did fairly well on the trip. Maybe the drives are growing on them! Still sucks at time though. And of course Javi and Isa began arguing and fight for reasons only a brother and sister would fully comprehend. I scolded them, because I really hate seeing how disrespectful they are to each other at times and sometime to others around them. I ended up giving them an assignment (since I can watch them write sentences) and they need to mail it to me. Their writing assignment is "What is Respect? What does it mean to me? What does it mean to my family? And how can I improve myself? I originally told them it had to be 1 page but after talking to their dad, he suggested longer, so 2 pages it is! It will help with their writing skills also.

Javi was actually looking forward to it. He even called me earlier this evening letting me know he was beginning to write I miss them already. As much as they crazy, they are still my babies...

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

'I wanna ride on a firetruck' Tour

I set up a tour for the kids today at the Arroyo Grande Mesa Fire Station. Anisa was so excited and had been patiently looking forward to this day. I had to tell her that it would be on a day when Papi was at work, so she wouldn't keep asking and could associate that with our tour day!

Yesterday I reminded her and this morning when she woke up, she was super excited. It was not difficult to get them dressed or loaded into the truck!

When we arrived, there were 2 firemen waiting for us with stickers and hats. Noah was more than willing to wear one and didn't even try to take it off.

They took us on a tour through the station, their living room, kitchen and dorm rooms. Then finally the TRUCK! They showed the kids every gadget and even let them try on an firemen boots, pants and jacket! Javi tried on the boots and pants and Jesse had the Jacket. Together they made a fireman. They even started being goofy and Javi wanted to give Jesse a piggy back ride to make a complete man.

Anisa was a little shy, but when it was time to test the water hose, she was all for it! Before the tour was over, the kids were able to sit in the truck (Noah did not want to get out), they turned on the lights, sirens and honked the horn. They made kids run out into the grassy area before they put the sirens on. They were super loud, but kids loved it! They want me to schedule another tour....haaha, maybe ill do Guadalupe city next time :)

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